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An Assortment of Things

by Forest Changeling

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Sims 4 Mini Mods

Tuning mods that increase functionality or make QOL improvements.

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Printables I've created for planners, journals, etc.

DIY Cosmetics

Recipes I've formulated for salve, conditioner, etc.

Mini Programs

Small utilitarian programs to fill niche needs.


Whatever I'm doing in my day to day life, I can't stop creating things. I wanted a website where I could put all the things I've collected along the way.

At last count, the hobby tally was over 30, so expect this page to be incredibly eclectic. I lean towards the utilitarian engineering side of things rather than the artistic side of things.

Terms of Use

Do not claim any of my creations as your own. Do not sell anything made with my recipes, patterns, etc. If you want to repackage my Sims mods into a prettier package, give credit for the tuning.